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What is the ME-App and how does it help unemployed adults?
The ME-App is a free, user-friendly digital tool designed to support unemployed adults facing psycho-social obstacles. It offers features to monitor and manage issues like mood, anxiety, and sleep while providing motivational messages and interactive functionalities to enhance motivation and empowerment.
Is the ME-App available in multiple languages?
Yes, the ME-App is available in English, German, Slovenian and Polish, making it accessible to a broad audience across different regions.
What features does the ME-App include?
The ME-App includes features for tracking various health related issues along with motivational messages and interactive tools designed to keep users engaged and motivated throughout their employment journey.
How can educators use the ME-App?
Educators can use the ME-App to support their Active Labour Market Programmes (ALMP-Ps). We provide a comprehensive Educators’ Handbook with best practices and strategies for integrating the app into their programmes.
Where can I find additional resources related to the ME-App?
Additional resources, including reports, evaluations and the Educators’ Handbook, will be available on our website. These resources will provide detailed information and guidance on using the app effectively.
Feel free to reach out to us through our online contact options if you have more specific questions or need further assistance!
Who is eligible to use the ME-App?
The ME-App is specifically tailored for unemployed adults who are facing psycho-social challenges. It is designed to support anyone in this demographic as well as anyone who would benefit from a one-stop tool to track various issues at once.
How can I access the ME-App?
The ME-App will be launched as an app for Android smartphones. Once it is launched, you will be able to download it for free from the Google Play app store. Keep an eye on our website for the official release date and download link.
Is the ME-App really free to use?
Yes, the ME-App is completely free to use. Our goal is to provide accessible support without any cost to the users.
Will the ME-App be compatible with all devices?
It will be compatible with Android smartphones and tablets.
How can I stay updated on the development of the ME-App?
You can stay informed by subscribing to our newsletter, following our blogs, and connecting with us on social media. We also provide updates through our community events.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us
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PROJECT ID: 2023-1-DE02-KA220-ADU- 000156511
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein